E. H Gombrich
In 1935, with a doctorate in art history and no prospect of a job, twenty-six-year-old Ernst Gombrich was invited to attempt a history of the world for younger readers. Amazingly, he completed the task in an intense six weeks, and Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser was published in Vienna to immediate success. It is now an international bestseller and available in almost thirty languages across the world.
In forty concise chapters,
HISTORY OF ART / ART & DESIGN STYLES. Exquisite cloth-bound edition of the classic art-history text - the perfect gift for every art connoisseur and student. For more than 60 years Ernst Gombrich's The Story of Art has been a global bestseller - with more than 8 million copies sold - the perfect introduction to art history, from the earliest cave paintings to art of the twentieth century, a masterpiece of clarity and personal insight. This classic...